Ulysses by Longhi 1954 1st printing Kirk Douglas (The Odyssey)

$ 1,750

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Ulysses by Longhi 1954 original 1st printing Poster on linen

Artist: Longhi
Size: 55 x 78 in / 140 x 200 cm
On/Off Linen: On Linen
Print Technique: Offset lithograph
Year: 1954
Condition & Comments: Excellent A

Rare poster for Ulysses with Kirk Douglas, Sylvana Mangano, Anthony Quinn. Rare first printing for Italy important film of the time and incidentally the first film I ever went to see in the theatre. Film by Delaurentis and Carlo Ponti one of the early films where American actors went to Italy and used Cinecitta and the growing talents of the Italian cinema. Vignettes of the sirens, Cyclops, burning of Troy Great stuff RARE

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Ulysses by Longhi 1954 original 1st printing Poster on linen

Rare poster for Ulysses with Kirk Douglas, Sylvana Mangano, Anthony Quinn. Rare first printing for Italy important film of the time of the Odyssey and incidentally the first film I ever went to see in the theatre. Film by Delaurentis and Carlo Ponti one of the early films where American actors went to Italy and used Cinecitta and the growing talents of the Italian cinema. Vignettes of the sirens, Cyclops, burning of Troy Great stuff RARE

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 48 × 3 × 3 in