Simplicissimus 1913 Marcello Dudovich Beach Scene on linen original

$ 150

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Simplicissimus by Marcello Dudovich women on the beach 1913 original

Artist: Dudovich, Marcello
Printer: Simplicissimus, Austria
Size: 11 x 15 in / 28 x 38.1 cm
On/Off Linen: On Linen
Print Technique: Chromolithograph
Year: 1913
Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

Marcello Dudovich went to Austria during 1913 and did many illustrations for Corso Italia and Simplicissimus a Journal of the times in Austria. Its rare to find any of these as not so many survived. Beach scene by Marcello Dudovich. In Excellent condition

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Figaro Illustre Chez le bonhomme Noel by Firmin Bouisset from 1898 original

Firago Illustre came out monthly and used the best artists of the time. A Journal of events and news of the time with lots of illustrations and as time went on photos. At the turn of the Century the artist was of printing was chronolithography. In Excellent condition

Weight 0.5 lbs