Messageries Maritimes Marseille-Alexandrie PLM by Daviel 1924

$ 1,250

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Marseille Alexandrie Messageries Maritimes by Davile 1924

Artist: Daviel
Printer: PLM, Paris
Size: 30 x 40 ” / 76,2 x 101,6 cm
On/Off Linen: On Linen
Year: 1924
Condition & Comments: Excellent

The Egyptian Pharoah is holding the train and the ship right where the departs from Marseille to Alexandria Egypt. Buy your ticket in Paris via the PLM and you link your train ticket to your travel on a paquebot on the messageries Maritimes line to Africa. You could travel in luxury on wagon lits meaning beds in a cabin. Known as the Route to Egypt in the poster. This rare poster was featured on the cover of an important collector journal for antiquities in France. In excellent condition. 


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Razzia Louis Vuitton Cup 1987 hand signed original (Gerard Courbouleix)

Louis Vuitton Cup Original hand signed Sailing race poster for Perth Western Australia which took place in 1987

Weight 1 lbs