1950 Grand Prix de Vitesse Automobile a Reims on linen by Van Dam

$ 450

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Grand PrixPrix de Vitesse a Reims on linen

Artist: Grognet
Size: 16 x 24″ / 40 x 60 cm
On/Off Linen: On Linen
Print Technique: lithograph
Year: 1950
Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

  • Poster by Van Dam printed around 1950 for a race that took place in Reims at the Veledrome. Plublicity paid for by Pastis 51 done in lithograpy. Original 
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Monaco Grand Prix 1986 on linen

  • The Grand Prix of Monaco always showed the winning car of the previous year in the poster as it was printed before the race was won. 
  • This poster is a later printing made around the 1980’s in exactly te same way as the original ie: printing technique, paper, size etc and is very affordable as the original would be thousands
  • Poster is in excellent condition and mounted on linen by museum quality professional
Weight 0.5 lbs