Showing 1–12 of 16 results

  • St Moritz ski poster by Razzia 2012 Large size hand signed original

    St Moritz ski poster by Razzia 2012 Large size hand signed original

    $ 575

    Razzia st moritz ski poster swiss  (Gerard Courbouleix)

    skiing by Razzia

    Artist: Razzia
    Printer: Caza, Paris
    Size: 50 x 58 in / 127 x 147.3 cm
    On/Off Linen: Unlined
    Print Technique: Serigraph
    Condition & Comments: Excellent

  • St Moritz ski poster by Razzia 2012 small

    St Moritz ski poster by Razzia 2012 small

    $ 425

    Razzia st moritz ski poster swiss  (Gerard Courbouleix)

    skiing by Razzia

    Artist: Razzia
    Printer: Razzia, Fontainebleau
    Size: 29.5 x 37 in / 75 x 94 cm
    On/Off Linen: Unlined
    Print Technique: Serigraph
    Condition & Comments: Excellent

  • S Maurizio Ferrovie Nord Milano by Carlo Dradi ski destination poster

    S Maurizio Ferrovie Nord Milano by Carlo Dradi ski destination poster

    $ 1,250

    RARE POSTER by Carlo Dradi in 1948 for S Maurizio ski

    Artist: Dradi, Carlo
    Printer: Milano
    Size: 26 x 39 ” / 66 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: offset lithograph
    Year: 1948

    Travel to S Maurizio by Italian train ferrovie nord milano up to the ski mountains. Its snowing and the children are on their way. 

  • Santo Stefano d'Aveto Ski poster by Mario Puppo 1955c

    Santo Stefano d’Aveto Ski poster by Mario Puppo 1955c

    $ 1,250

    Santo Stefano d’Aveto by Mario Puppo original 1st printing 1955 

    Artist: Puppo, Mario
    Printer: Sigla, Genoa
    Size: 27.5 x 39 ” / 70 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: offset lithograph
    Year: 1955
    Condition & Comments: excellent A

    Mario Puppo a prolific post WWII Italian Artist created many posters for the Enit of Italian Railways. This poster thought to be created around 1955 when he did his greatest body of work for the Enit Railways. Lady with wooden ski’s fashionably attired for the mountains at Santo Stefano D’Aveto. 

  • after skiing pleasure - ski Oberland Bernois Fashion Ski 1960c

    after skiing pleasure – ski Oberland Bernois Fashion Ski 1960c

    $ 1,250

    Oberland Bernois 1960 Ski Poster 

    Oberland Bernois ski poster c1960 with fashionable lady and snowman. Swiss Ski and mountains poster.Excellent on linen 

    Artist: Anon
    Printer: Swiss
    Size: 27.5 x 39 ” / 70 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: offset lithograph
    Year: 1960
    Condition & Comments: excellent A

  • Allevard les Bains PLM French Railways by Eric Coulon c1930

    Allevard les Bains PLM French Railways by Eric Coulon c1930

    $ 850

    Allevard Les Bains by Coulon for the PLM French Railways 

    Artist: Coulon, Eric
    Printer: Imp Picard, Paris
    Size: 25 x 39 ” / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: Delay approx 2 weeks to linen-back before delivery
    Print Technique: lithograph
    Year: 1930c
    Condition & Comments: Excellent

    Poster for the PLM Railways by Eric Coulon c1930 there is also the indication of Dauphine which is a part of France that covers several departments today. Dauphin is actually the heir apparent of France. Many things in this region are titled Dauphine including a well known journal today.

  • La Mure D'Isere by Oraim c1930

    La Mure D’Isere by Oraim c1930

    $ 550

    La Mure D’Isere by Oraim for the PLM French Railways 

    Artist: Oraim
    Printer: Imp Generale, Grenoble
    Size: 25 x 39 ” / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: Delay approx 2 weeks to linen-back before delivery
    Print Technique: lithograph
    Year: 1930c
    Condition & Comments: Excellent

    Railways by Rail, Autocar and Electric trains. From La Mure you can access all the ski mountain resorts. 

  • The French Alpes by Lucien Fontanarosa French Railways 1960c

    The French Alpes by Lucien Fontanarosa French Railways 1960c

    $ 550

    The French Alpes by Fontarosa  French Railways 1960c

    Artist: Lucien Fontanarosa
    Printer: Draeger, Paris
    Size: 25 x 39 ” / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: Delay approx 2 weeks to linen-back before delivery
    Print Technique: offset lithograph
    Year: 1960c
    Condition & Comments: Excellent

    French Alpes with artwork by Fontanarosa 

  • Jeux Olympiques d'hiver l'alpe d'huez grenoble 1968

    Jeux Olympiques d’hiver l’alpe d’huez grenoble 1968

    $ 750

    L’Alpe D’Huez Jeux Olympics 1968 Grenoble

    Artist: Anon
    Printer: Editons Sun, Paris
    Size: 25 x 39 ” / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: offset lithograph
    Year: 1968

    Poster for the Winter Olympics in Grenoble in 1968. This is one of the ski stations used for downhills, etc.  The poster in excellent condition on linen

  • Gregg Skis Outstanding by Mahrer c1960

    Gregg Skis Outstanding by Mahrer c1960

    $ 250

    Gregg Skis 1960 Ski Poster on linen

    Artist: Mahrer
    Size: 20 x 28 ” / 50,8 x 71,1 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: offset lithograph
    Year: 1960
    Condition & Comments: excellent A

    Gregg Skis ski poster c1960 with skier using the wood ski’s of the time frame. Mahrer was a famous advertising poster maker.Excellent on linen 

  • le Frou Frou Original Gouache by Carl Hap c1890's

    Oberland Bernois Ski poster Hans Falk 1954 28 x 39 inch original VINTAGE POSTER on linen

    $ 850

    Frou Frou Cover design by Carl Hap C1890’s Sports d’Hiver

    Artist: Hap, Carl
    Size: 9 x 12.5 ” / 22.8 x 30.5 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: Gouache, Ink, on water color paper
    Year: 1890’s
    Condition & Comments: excellent A

    Carl Hap a famous poster artist from before the turn of the century did this cover desing for a very famous journal Frou Frou. Many important artists did covers and posters for Frou Frou like Cappiello etc. This is an original gouach the only one and it is signed by the artist. Ink and Gouache and pencil.

  • Rochers de Naye sur Montreux 1900 ORIGINAL VINTAGE Swiss TRAVEL

    Rochers de Naye sur Montreux 1900 ORIGINAL VINTAGE Swiss TRAVEL

    $ 1,350

    Rochers de Naye c1900 on linen excellent

    Artist: Anon
    Printer: Verneau, Paris
    Size: 30 x 40 ” / 76,2 x 101,6 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: lithograph
    Year: 1900
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    Rochers de Naye showing a grand view of Lake Leman and a view on to the mountain whci is over 2000 meter high. Beautiful poster complete with steamboats and chateaux. Excellent condition on linen

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