Showing 13–24 of 47 results

  • Mallorca Baleares poster by Alo original c1930 on linen

    Mallorca Baleares poster by Alo original c1930 on linen

    $ 1,650

    Artist: ALO
    Printer: Moullot, Marseille
    Size: 25 x 39″ / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: Delay approx 2 weeks to linen-back before delivery
    Print Technique: lithograph
    Year: 1930

    Mallorca by Alo c1930 on linen excellent


  • Air France Europe by Jean Carlu 1930 travel poster rare

    Air France Europe by Jean Carlu 1930 travel poster rare

    $ 1,250

    Artist: Carlu, Jean
    Printer: Air France, Paris
    Size: 25 x 39″ / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: lithograph
    Year: 1930

    Air France Europe by Jean Carlu c1930 on linen excellent

    Vignettes of all the place to visit in Europe, eiffel tower, greek vase, etc. The Poster man is hanging posters of all the destinations. The poster shows a stain in the photo but that is only in the photo and not the poster as its another poster.  The poster in excellent condition on linen

  • Route des Alpes by Rene Pean PLM travel poster c1900 on linen

    Route des Alpes by Rene Pean PLM travel poster c1900 on linen

    $ 2,200

    Artist: Pean, Rene
    Printer: Cornille & Serre, Paris
    Size: 31 x 42″ / 79 x 106.7 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: stone lithograph
    Year: 1910
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    PLM poster for travel to the Alpes by Rene Pean c1900 on linen

    Important poster for travel to the Alpes by Rene Pean. You bought your ticket at the train station and it included passage in these open cars which could carry 12 passengers or more right up to the station where your final destination was. The poster in excellent condition on linen

  • Normandie by Georges Dorival on linen c1930 travel by Chemins des Fer

    Normandie by Georges Dorival on linen c1930 travel by Chemins des Fer

    $ 550

    Artist: Dorival, Georges
    Printer: Cornille & Serre, Paris
    Size: 25 x 39″ / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: stone lithograph
    Year: 1930

    Chemin de Fer poster for travel to NOrmandie by Geo Dorival c 1930 on linen

    Travel poster for the Chemins de Fer by Georges Dorival. The poster in excellent condition on linen

  • Veneux-Les-Sablons Deco poster by Prieur on linen c1930 RARE

    Veneux-Les-Sablons Deco poster by Prieur on linen c1930 RARE

    $ 1,850

    Artist: Prieur
    Printer: Imp Dellaporte, Paris
    Size: 25 x 39″ / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: lithograph
    Year: 1930

    Veneux les Sablons by Prieur Art Deco poster for the PLM c 1930 on linen

    Travel poster for the pLM by Prieur. The poster in excellent condition on linen. The poster is very rare.

  • Vichy by Ploz rare important PLM travel poster c1900 on linen

    Vichy by Ploz rare important PLM travel poster c1900 on linen

    $ 3,200

    Artist: Ploz
    Printer: Champenois, Paris
    Size: 29 x 41″ / 73.7 x 104.1 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: stone lithograph
    Year: 1900
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    PLM poster for travel to the Vichy by Ploz c1900 on linen

    Important poster for travel to Vichy by Ploz. View on to the Casino of Vichy with Elegant people out and about the town. Ploz does this elegant poster which is now a rare find. The poster in excellent condition on linen

  • Talloires &Lac D'Annecy by Besnard 1900 ORIGINAL VINTAGE FRENCH TRAVEL POSTER

    Talloires &Lac D’Annecy by Besnard 1900 ORIGINAL VINTAGE FRENCH TRAVEL POSTER

    $ 4,000

    Artist: Besnard
    Size: 31 x 41.5″ / 80 x 105.5 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: stone lithograph
    Year: 1900
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    Talloires & Lac D’Annecy by Besnard c1900 on linen excellent

    Besnard did this poster for the Paris Lyon Mediterranee French Railways in 1900. The view is from Talloires looking out to the Chateau de Duignt. Beautiful piece in excellent A condition on linen Poster is very Rare stone lithograph

  • Grasse by David Dellepiane 1900 ORIGINAL VINTAGE FRENCH TRAVEL POSTER

    Grasse by David Dellepiane 1900 ORIGINAL VINTAGE FRENCH TRAVEL POSTER

    $ 5,000

    Artist: Dellepiane, David
    Size: 31 x 41.5″ / 80 x 105.5 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: stone lithograph
    Year: 1900
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    Grasse by David Dellepiane c1900 on linen excellent

    Amazing Art Nouveau or might I say “Impressionist” poster done by stone lithography by David Dellepiane who was a famous artist from Marseille. Beautiful piece in excellent A condition on linen Poster is very Rare stone lithograph

  • Repos St Elisabeth vintage French TRAVEL POSTER

    Repos St Elisabeth vintage French TRAVEL POSTER

    $ 325

    Artist: Delamare
    Printer: Vromont, Bruxelles
    Size: 24.5 x 34.5″ / 62.3 x 87.6 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: lithograph
    Condition & Comments: Excellent

    GRepos ST Elisabeth vintage poster on linen

    It is rare to find hotel posters around the Mont Blanc.

  • Besancon Tennis by Pillot 1923 vintage French TRAVEL POSTER

    Besancon Tennis by Pillot 1923 vintage French TRAVEL POSTER

    $ 1,750

    Artist: Lucien Pillot
    Printer: Gerin Dijon Paris
    Size: 25 x 39″ / 62 x 100 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Year: 1930c
    Condition & Comments: Excellent

    Title BESANCON

    Artist Lucien Pillot

    Date 1923

    Printer Imprimerie Gerin, Dijon-Paris

    Size           25 x 39 inches

    Print Type Lithography

    Condiiton Excellent “A” on linen 

    Comments Beautiful poster by Lucien Pillot for the PLM . The Paris Lyon Mediterrannee railways line was active from the late 1890’s up until 1937 when it became known as SNCF as it is today. This poster done in an art deco fashion showing the station where people went to get cures and drink the waters. It says for Women and Children. Its in excellent A condition on linen

  • Esterel Plage by Henry Gray 1900 vintage French TRAVEL POSTER

    Esterel Plage by Henry Gray 1900 vintage French TRAVEL POSTER

    $ 1,650

    Artist: Gray, Henry
    Printer: PLM
    Size: 30 x 40″ / 76.2 x 101.6 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: stone lithograph
    Condition & Comments: Excellent

    Esterel Plage by Henry Gray 1900 vintage poster on linen

    View from the Cote D’Azur on to the gorgeous beaches of the Esterel which runs along the cote in the south of France. Stone lithograph in excellent condition

  • Lac D'Annecy by Hugo D'Alesi c1900

    Lac D’Annecy by Hugo D’Alesi c1900

    $ 2,500

    PLM poster for Lake Annecy by Hugo D’Alesi c1900 

    Artist: D’Alesi, Hugo
    Printer: Atelier Hugo D’Aleso, Paris
    Size: 30.5 X 42 ” / 77.5 X 106.7 CM
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: stone lithograph
    Year: 1900
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    Important poster for travel to Lake Annecy in the Haute Savoie. The view is of La Tournette which is the mountain that rises to 2500 meters directly from the lake. The boat La France sails in the foreground. The boat later sank and has become a favorite diving spot. The poster in excellent condition on linen

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