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  • Figaro Illustre carriage by Vallet 1898 on linen

    Figaro Illustre carriage by Vallet 1898 on linen

    0 out of 5
    $ 350

    Figaro Illustre carriage by Vallet from 1898 original

    Artist: Vallet
    Printer: Editeurs Figaro, Paris
    Size: 12 x 16 in / 30.5 x 40.6 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Year: 1898
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    Firago Illustre came out monthly and used the best artists of the time. A Journal of events and news of the time with lots of illustrations and as time went on photos. At the turn of the Century chromolithography was the technique used. In excellent condition.

    Vallet with couple in carriage.

  • Simplicissimus 1913 by Ludwig Kainer Nizza on linen original

    Simplicissimus 1913 by Ludwig Kainer Nizza on linen original

    0 out of 5
    $ 125

    Simplicissimus by Ludwig Kainer Nizza 1913 original

    Artist: Kainer
    Printer: Simplicissimus, Austria
    Size: 11 x 15 ” / 28 x 38,1 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: chromolithograph
    Year: 1913
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    Ludwig Kainer was a painter and worked in cinema as a set designer.

    Picture from simplicissimus of a scene in a carriage.

  • Corso Italia 1913 by Marcello Dudovich chromolithographic plate

    Corso Italia 1913 by Marcello Dudovich chromolithographic plate

    0 out of 5
    $ 185

    Corso Italia by Marcello Dudovich 1913-1914 original

    Artist: Dudovich, Marcello
    Printer: Langen, Munich
    Size: 12 x 16 ” / 30 x 40 cm
    On/Off Linen: On Linen
    Print Technique: chromolithograph
    Year: 1913-1914
    Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition

    Corso Italia was a collection of 30 Polychromatic lithography plates depicting some of the works for Simplicissimus but in a “Plate” format as a print. These 30 plates were sold as an Album printed with a very fine binding. RARE this one depictingwomen in carriage.

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