Allevard Les Bains by Coulon for the PLM French Railways
Artist: Coulon, Eric Printer: Imp Picard, Paris Size: 25 x 39 ” / 62 x 100 cm On/Off Linen: Delay approx 2 weeks to linen-back before delivery Print Technique: lithograph Year: 1930c Condition & Comments: Excellent
Poster for the PLM Railways by Eric Coulon c1930 there is also the indication of Dauphine which is a part of France that covers several departments today. Dauphin is actually the heir apparent of France. Many things in this region are titled Dauphine including a well known journal today.
Palais et Foret de Fontainebleau by Julien Lacaze 1924
Artist: Lacaze, Julien Printer: l’Imp. Maulde et Renou, Paris Size: 31 x 42 ” / 80 x 107 cm On/Off Linen: Delay approx 2 weeks to linen-back before delivery Print Technique: lithograph Year: 1924 Condition & Comments: Excellent
Chemins de Fer Paris PLM French Railways poster to Fontainebleau with circuits that travel through the Forest of Fontainebleau during the months from April to November in 1924. You could travel on the Autocars or small open bus. You bought your ticket in Paris and it included the trip to and from Fountainebleau and tour on one of the circuits. The top part of the poster is the Palace and the map shows the circuits offered. Excellent condition.
Wagon Lits Swiss by Andre Francoisi 1980’s original
Artist: Francois, Andre Printer: Wagon lits Size: 26 x 34 ” / 60 x 90 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Print Technique: serigraph Year: 1980’s Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Poster printed in Serigraph Silkscreen for the Wagon Lits in Switzeralnd. Take the train in comfort and class with your own cabin with bed on the Suise Railways. Original printing.
Festival Cirque 1993 by Raymond Savignac original excellent
Artist: Savignac, Raymond Printer: Musee de la’ffiche, Paris Size: 16 x 24″ / 40 x 60 cm On/Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: serigraph Year: 1978 Condition & Comments: Excellent
Poster for the 16th Festival of the Circus in 1993. The Circus Bouglione presented what is known as the cirque d’hiver or winter circus.
Artist: Verbaere, Herman Size: 25 x 39 ” / 62 x 100 cm On/Off Linen: Delay approx 2 weeks to linen-back before delivery Print Technique: lithograph Year: 1950