Hommage Rene Char by Picasso exhibition Museum of Art Modern Ceret 1969 vintage poster
Artist: Picasso, Pablo Printer: Mourlot, Paris Size: 18 x 27.75 in / 45.6 x 70.5 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Print Technique: Lithograph Condition & Comments: Excellent
Hommage to Rene Char in which PIcasso did the poster ad was printed at the best artistic imprimerie Mourlot who did works for matisse, picasso, chagall, miro etc etc.
Roy Lichtenstein Templon Galerie Beaubourg vintage poster
Artist: Lichtenstein, Roy Printer: Paris Size: 29.5 x 25.2 in / 74.9 x 64 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Print Technique: Offset Lithograph Condition & Comments: Excellent
Roy Lichtenstein had a show in Paris at the important Daniel Templon Galerie in Beaubourg which is the neighbourhood of the Museum Pompidieu Original
Artist: Matisse, Henri Printer: Mourlot, Paris Size: 25 x 39 in / 62 x 100 cm On/Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: Stone Lithograph Year: 1947 Condition & Comments: Excellent
Poster for travel to NIce by Henri Matisse printed at the famous Mourlot IMprimerie by way of stone lithography. Excellent condition on linen. Its important to note that the Mourlot imprimerie did work for Picasso, Matisse, Chagall and many of the most famous Artists as they were the only stone lithographers in the 20th century in France up until the 1970’s.
Henri Matisse show at Musee d’art moderne by Henri Matisse 1947
Artist: Matisse, Henri Printer: Mourlot, Paris Size: 25 x 39 in / 62 x 100 cm On/Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: Stone Lithograph Year: 1947 Condition & Comments: Excellent
Poster for an exhibition of his art at the Musee national d’art moderne on avenue president wilson which is at the Trocadero. IMportant show and beautiful poster. Excellent condition on linen
Artist: Razzia Printer: Louis Vuitton Size: 24 x 32 in / 61 x 81 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Print Technique: Serigraph Year: 1995 Condition & Comments: Excellent
Poster created by Razzia for a Music soirree of South American Musicians, from the Antilles to Brasil, from Salsa and others. Razzia Cleverly uses the map of south America for the design of the dress of the lady. RARE