Absinthe Robette by Privat Livemont for Les Affiche Etrangeres Chaix Imprimerie 1897 stone lithograph
Les Affiches etrangeres was created by Jules Cheret at the Chaix imprimerie. Les Affiches Etrangeres was another idea of Jule Cheret to give to the public a book containing 65 color plates and many black and white illustrations. The poster collecting frenzy that started in France in 1895 made this book of famous posters by artists outside of France. The plates were all done with the permission of the artist and by way of stone lithography at the Chaix imprimerie in Paris in 1897. Artists such as Toulouse Lautrec, Mucha and Cheret and many others are represented in these plates.
Artist: Privat Livemont Printer: Chaix Imprimerie, Paris Size: 9 x 12.5 ” / 22.8 x 30.5 cm On / Off Linen: Unlined Year: 1897 Condition & Comments: Nice condition
Artist: Metivet, Lucien Printer: Das Moderne Plakat Size: 8.25 x 11.3 ” / 21 x 28.7 cm On / Off linen: Unlined Year: 1897 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition Amabassadeurs by Lucien Metivet FOR DAS MODERNE PLAKAT 1897
Das Moderne Plakat were stone lithographs printed by Jean Louis Sponsel in Germany in 1897. It celebrates the masters of the posters of that period recreating the famous posters of the period by the famous artists of the period. The plates came out in book form. Each is a stone lithograph. In Excellent condition
Artist: Fay Printer: Chaix Imprimerie, Paris Size: 12 x 16 ” / 30.5 x 40.6 cm On / Off linen: Unlined Year: 1895-9 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition AMIEUX-FRERES BY FAY FOR LES MAITRES DE L’AFFICHE
Les Maitres de l’affiche were stone lithographs printed by the Chaix Imprimerie in paris between the years 1895 and 1899. The celebrated the masters of the posters of that period. Paris for 4 plates to arrive every month. The plate is in excellent condition.
Artist: Berchmans Size: 8.25 x 11.3 ” / 21 x 28.7 cm Printer: Das Moderne Plakat On / Off linen: Unlined Year: 1897 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condiiton ART INDEPENDANT BY BERCHMANS FOR DAS MODERNE PLAKAT 1897
Das Moderne Plakat were stone lithographs printed by Jean Louis Sponsel in Germany in 1897. It celebrates the masters of the posters of that period recreating the famous posters of the period by the famous artists of the period. The plates came out in book form. Each is a stone lithograph. In Excellent condition
Artist: Cheret Printer: Chaix Imprimerie, Paris Size: 8.5 x 11.8 in / 21.5 x 30 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Year: 1896 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Les Affiches Illustrees was created by Jules Cheret at the Chaix imprimerie to celebrate the famous poster artists and their works of the time. Poster collecting was the rage between 1895 and 1900 and Cheret made sure to supply the public with all the images of a selection of the best posters of the time. The printing was by way of Stone lithgoraphy and great attention was paid to quality. In Excellent condition
Artist: Anon Printer: PLM Size: 30 x 40 in / 76.2 x 101.6 cm On/Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: Chromolithograph Condition & Comments: Excellent Beausoleil for the PLM railways
Photochromolithographie IN excellent condition on linen
Travel poster for the Paris Lyon Mediterannee Railways Lines while is was still known jointly as the Chemins de Fer Paris. Beausoleil located in the French Cote D’azur. This printing method known as Chromolithography was used by only one or two printers at the turn of the century. The poster is highly sought after destination. On linen and in excellent condition.
Confetti by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec for Les Affiches Étrangères, Chaix Imprimerie, 1897 (Stone Lithograph)
Jules Chéret created Les Affiches Étrangères at the Chaix Imprimerie to showcase international poster artists. His goal was to offer the public a book featuring 65 color plates and numerous black-and-white illustrations. The poster-collecting craze that began in France in 1895 increased demand for this collection. As a result, the book highlighted famous posters from artists outside France. Each artist approved their plate, and Chaix Imprimerie produced them using stone lithography in 1897. The collection includes works by Toulouse-Lautrec, Mucha, Chéret, and others. This lithograph is an opportunity to own an original piece created during Lautrec’s lifetime with his consent. Today, museums worldwide feature this work.
Toulouse-Lautrec designed the Confetti poster in 1894 as a lively advertisement for Palais de la Nouveauté, a Parisian company selling confetti. During that time, confetti was a popular item for carnival season and festive events.
This plate appears in Les Affiches Étrangères because, although Lautrec was a French artist, he designed the poster for a London-based company that produced confetti for festivals.
Artist: Alfons Mucha Printer: Champenois, Paris Size: 12 x 16 in / 30.5 x 40.6 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Year: 1897 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Couverture by Alfons Mucha for the Estampe Moderne
Estampe Moderne was a series of plates that were delivered to your home in 1897 via the Post. You subscribed to the Imprimerie Champenois Paris for 4 plates to arrive every month. The plate is in excellent condition.
Artist: Fischer Printer: Das Moderne Plakat Size: 8.25 x 11.3 in / 21 x 28.7 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Year: 1897 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Das Moderne Plakat were stone lithographs printed by Jean Louis Sponsel in Germany in 1897. It celebrates the masters of the posters of that period recreating the famous posters of the period by the famous artists of the period. The plates came out in book form. Each is a stone lithograph. In Excellent condition
Artist: Unger Printer: Das Moderne Plakat Size: 8.25 x 11.3 in / 21 x 28.7 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Year: 1897 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Das Moderne Plakat were stone lithographs printed by Jean Louis Sponsel in Germany in 1897. It celebrates the masters of the posters of that period recreating the famous posters of the period by the famous artists of the period. The plates came out in book form. Each is a stone lithograph. In Excellent condition
Artist: Woodbury Printer: Das Moderne Plakat Size: 8.25 x 11.3 in / 21 x 28.7 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Year: 1897 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Das Moderne Plakat were stone lithographs printed by Jean Louis Sponsel in Germany in 1897. It celebrates the masters of the posters of that period recreating the famous posters of the period by the famous artists of the period. The plates came out in book form. Each is a stone lithograph. In Excellent condition
Artist: Skonsgaard Printer: Das Moderne Plakat Size: 8.25 x 11.3 in / 21 x 28.7 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Year: 1897 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Das Moderne Plakat were stone lithographs printed by Jean Louis Sponsel in Germany in 1897. It celebrates the masters of the posters of that period recreating the famous posters of the period by the famous artists of the period. The plates came out in book form. Each is a stone lithograph. In Excellent condition