Title: "Andy Warhol's 'Americana Art from the 1960s': Vintage 1987 Venise Exhibition Poster"
Presenting a remarkable piece of art history, the 'Americana Art from the 1960s' exhibition poster by Andy Warhol, created in 1987 for a show held in Venice. This iconic poster features Warhol's striking work, "Double Elvis," and is a rare testament to his influential artistry.
A Glimpse into the 1960s: The 'Americana Art from the 1960s' exhibition celebrated the vibrant art of the era, with Andy Warhol's works at its forefront.
Double Elvis: Warhol's "Double Elvis" is an iconic representation of the pop art movement, depicting the legendary Elvis Presley in a bold and captivating manner.
A Gift to Bob Dylan: The legend goes that Andy Warhol gave one of his "Double Elvis" pieces to Bob Dylan as a gift, a token of their creative collaboration.
A Valuable Legacy: Bob Dylan eventually passed on his "Double Elvis" to his manager, Bob Grossman, who later sold it for a significant sum, highlighting the enduring value of Warhol's work.
Excellent Condition: This vintage exhibition poster, mounted on linen, is in excellent condition, making it a rare find for collectors and enthusiasts.
Experience the intersection of art, music, and pop culture with this exceptional piece from Poster France. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact us. Commemorate the legacy of Andy Warhol and the spirit of the 1960s with this exquisite poster!